Bridging Nanotech, Cell, and Imaging

for Tomorrow's Therapy and Diagnosis

Welcome to the Laboratory for Cell Nanoengineering at UC Davis

Who are we and what are we doing?

In our lab, we're blending the worlds of nanotechnology, cell engineering, and non-invasive imaging to create something truly innovative. We're using this unique mix of skills to improve and fill gaps in each of these areas.
Our main project is about making cells better with the help of nanotechnology. Think of it like giving cells a set of super-tools at the nano-level, using the natural abilities of cells along with the special features of tiny particles. This combination could change the way we use cells in medicine, especially for treating diseases.
We're not just focusing on one type of cell – we're looking at immune cells, stem cells, and more. Our goal is to go beyond just making new cell-based treatments. We want to transform how these treatments work and show what they can really do for medical science and patient care.